The Oak Parser Generator

Hello! Oak is a parser generator based on Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG). This project has been started to explore the idea of automatically inferring the types of the AST generated by parsing expressions. It is written as a procedural macro and can be embedded in your Rust code without complicating the build system.

Independently of your programming experience with parser generators, a first step is to read the Getting Started chapter. If you are new to parser generator or PEG, the chapter Learn Oak is a smooth tutorial to Oak for incrementally building a small language named Calc with arithmetic expressions and variable bindings. You can directly dive into the full grammar of Calc in the chapter Full Calc Grammar. If you want to learn about the Oak specificities, please go to the chapter Typing Expression. Finally, in the chapter Related Work, we compare Oak to existing parser generators and give some references and credits to papers or implementations that inspired the design of Oak.

The code is available on github.


Syntax cheat sheet

e is a sub expression and T is the type of e. The types are only informative, it does not show unit propagation, more on that in Typing Expression. Greedy operators do not generate "backtracking points" and consume as many characters as possible.

Item Type Description
r = e Type of e Declare a rule named r parsing the expression e.
r: T = e T Declare a rule named r of type T parsing the expression e.
Expression Type Precedence level Description
"literal" (^) 0 Match a string literal.
. char 0 Match any single character.
["a-zA-Z-"] char 0 Match a character from one of the specified classes.
(e) T 0 Group an expression.
rule Type of rule 0 Call the rule with the name rule.
ident _ 0 Call an external parser with the name parse_ident and recognize_ident depending on the context.
.. StreamSpan::Output 0 Create the location information (span) of the expression following ..
e? Option<T> 1 (Greedy) Match zero or one e. Always succeed.
e* Vec<T> 1 (Greedy) Match zero or more e. Always succeed.
e+ Vec<T> 1 (Greedy) Match one or more e.
&e (^) 2 Try to match e and succeed if e succeeds. It does not consume any input.
!e (^) 2 Try to match e and succeed if e fails. It does not consume any input.
e1 e2 e3 (T1, T2, T3) 3 Match e1 e2 e3 in sequence. Immediately fails when one fails.
e > f Return type of f 4 Match e and if it succeeds, call f(v) where v is the value of e.
e: () () 4 Force the type of e to be ().
e: (^) (^) 4 Force the type of e to be (^).
e: T T 4 Force the type of e to be a Rust type T.
e1 / e2 / e3 Type of any e 5 Match e1 e2 e3 in sequence. Immediately succeeds when one succeeds.

Oak status

My goal is to propose a complete library to ease the development of Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL) in Rust with procedural macros. For the moment my priority is to stabilize and test Oak. Next I want to add more static analysis to prevent grammar design error such as in "=" / "==" (can you find what is wrong?) Here some other wanted features:

  • Extend the choice operator to handle erroneous cases (#30).
  • Bootstrap the grammar (#42).
  • Parametrize rules with other rules and arguments (#10, #12, #28).
  • ...

Getting Started

Before starting playing with Oak, let's install the nightly compiler and create a skeleton project. We are using the features proc_macro_diagnostic and proc_macro_span which are only available in nightly build of Rust. We advise to use the tool rustup for installing, updating and switching between stable, beta and nightly channels of Rust. The Rust packages manager Cargo will also be installed with the compi

$ curl -sSf | sh
# Switch to nightly build of Rust.
$ rustup default nightly
# Update Rust compiler and Cargo.
$ rustup update
# Switch to stable.
$ rustup default stable

For avoiding all compatibility troubles between Oak and the Rust compiler, you should use the version of the Rust compiler matching the one used for compiling Oak. This is done by using rustup override add <nightly version> command available in the README.

Once both are installed, we can set up a project using Oak. Run the command cargo new oak_skeleton to create a new project. Modify the Cargo.toml file to add Oak dependencies:

name = "oak_skeleton"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["Pierre Talbot <>"]

oak = "*"
oak_runtime = "*"

The [package] section describe the usual information about your project, here named oak_skeleton and the [dependencies] section lists the libraries available on that you depend on. You can also directly depend on the git repository:

git = ""

git = ""
path = "runtime"

Oak is now usable from your src/

extern crate oak_runtime;
use oak_runtime::*;
use oak::oak;
use std::str::FromStr;

  sum = number ("+" number)* > add
  number = ["0-9"]+ > to_number

  fn add(x: u32, rest: Vec<u32>) -> u32 {
    rest.iter().fold(x, |x,y| x+y)

  fn to_number(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> u32 {
    let text: String = raw_text.into_iter().collect();

fn main() {
  let state = parse_sum("7+2+1".into_state());
  assert_eq!(state.unwrap_data(), 10);

We organized the library into two packages: oak and oak_runtime. The oak dependency is the syntax extension compiling your grammar description into Rust code, the statement use oak::oak exposes the macro oak! which is the only thing you will use from oak. The generated code depends on the library oak_runtime, it also contains structures that you will have to use such as ParseState. Keep reading to learn more about the language used in the macro oak!.

Learn Oak

This section is devoted to introduce smoothly the different PEG combinators through a tutorial presenting Calc: a small language with arithmetic expressions and variable bindings. If you want to test the code while reading this tutorial, a skeleton project is available in the chapter Getting Started. This tutorial is split into several sections:

Before diving into the details, we present a program written in Calc:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let a = 10 - 2 in
let b = a / 2 in
b^2 + 2 * (1 - a)

It declares two local variables a and b initialized with arithmetic expressions and usable within the scope of the let-binding, which is everything after the in. Let-bindings can be composed in cascade but must terminate with an arithmetic expression, such as b^2 + 2 * (1 - a) in our example.

What is parsing?

A parser is a bridge between meaning-less sequence of characters and structured representation of data. It tries to give meaning to a sequence of raw characters by constructing an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) that will be processed by subsequent compilation phases. We expect a parser to transform 7 - 1 into a structure such as Subtraction(i32, i32). As a side note, you should avoid to compute the actual result of 7 - 1 in the parsing step, it works for simple language but it tends to entangle syntactic and semantic analysis for more realistic grammar. Invalid programs such as let a = 8 in a * b should be correctly parsed while the semantic analysis will be responsible for detecting that b is undeclared.

This tutorial will not cover the semantic analysis part and we will only describe the grammar used for parsing Calc. Our parser will thus produce an AST but without evaluating the expression.

Syntactic atoms of Calc

When it comes to elaborating a grammar, we usually start by identifying atoms of the language, e.g., syntactic constructions that can not be divided into smaller ones. These atoms are called tokens and are often processed during a lexical analysis happening before the parsing. Oak is based on Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) and works directly on a stream of characters instead of a stream of tokens. An advantage is to have a unique and coherent grammar syntax which is helpful for composing grammars that do not necessarily expect the same set of tokens. Before you continue reading, try to find out what are the atoms of Calc.

The keywords let and in, the binding operator =, parenthesis () and arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, ^ form the unvalued atoms of the language. Calc has two valued atoms which are identifiers and numbers. Unvalued atoms give a shape to the AST but they do not carry any specific data retrieved from the stream of characters. The following grammar parses the atoms of Calc:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
oak! {

  let_kw = "let"
  in_kw = "in"
  bind_op = "="
  add_op = "+"
  sub_op = "-"
  mul_op = "*"
  div_op = "/"
  exp_op = "^"
  lparen = "("
  rparen = ")"

  identifier = ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+
  number = ["0-9"]+

A grammar is introduced with the macro oak!. A grammar is a set of rules of the form <name> = <expr> where <name> is the rule name and <expr> a parsing expression.

The rules describing keywords and operators use string literals expressions of the form "<literal>", it expects the input to match exactly the sequence of characters given.

Identifiers and numbers are recognized with character classes where a class is a single character or a character range. A range r has the form <char>-<char> inside a set ["r1r2..rN"]. Since - is used to denote a range, it must be placed before or after all the ranges such as in ["-a-z"] to be recognized as an accepted character. Character classes will succeed and "eat" one character if it is present in the set, so b, 8, _ are all accepted by ["a-zA-Z0-9_"] but é, - or ] are not.

For both string literals and character classes, any Unicode characters are interpreted following the same requirements as string literals in the Rust specification. The only other parsing expression consuming a character is the expression . (a simple dot), it consumes any character and can only fail if we reached the end of input.

The remaining parsing expressions are combinators, they must be composed with sub-expressions. Identifiers and numbers are sequences of one or more characters and we use the combinator e+ to repeat e while it succeeds. For example identifier matches "x_1" from the input "x_1 x_2" by successively applying ["a-zA-Z0-9_"] to the input; it parses x, _ and 1 and then fails on the space character. As it read one or more character, the expression ["a-zA-Z0-9_"] succeeds, although the match is partial, and identifier returns the remaining input " x_2" and the data read. A requirement of e+ is that e must be repeated at least once. The e* expression does not impose this constraint and allows e to be repeated zero or more times. The last combinator in this category is e?, it consumes e zero or one time. The combinators e*, e+ and e? will consume as much input as they can and are said to be greedy operators.

Generated code and runtime

Before explaining the other combinators, we get a glimpse at the generated code and how to use it. Oak will generate two functions per rule, a recognizer and a parser. A recognizer only matches the input against a specific rule and does not build any value from it. A parser matches and builds the corresponding AST, possibly with the help of user-specific functions called semantic actions. For example, the functions parse_identifier and recognize_identifier will be generated for the rule identifier.

We can observe the generated code of the macro using rustfmt and cargo expand:

rustup component add rustfmt
cargo install cargo-expand

By typing cargo expand, we obtain the following generated code for the Calc grammar:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
// `ParseState` and `CharStream` should be prefixed by `oak_runtime::`.
// It is removed from this snippet for clarity.

pub fn recognize_identifier<'a>(mut state: oak_runtime::ParseState<Stream<'a>, ()>)
  -> oak_runtime::ParseState<Stream<'a>, ()> { /* ... */ }

pub fn parse_identifier<'a>(mut state: oak_runtime::ParseState<Stream<'a>, ()>)
  -> oak_runtime::ParseState<Stream<'a>, Vec<char>> { /* ... */ }

// ...
// Rest of the output truncated for the tutorial.

You can also retreive the code of a single function by typing cargo expand parse_identifier.

We can already use these functions in our main:

fn main() {
  let let_kw = "let";
  let state = recognize_let_kw(let_kw.into_state());

  let ten = "10";
  let state = parse_number(ten.into_state());
  assert_eq!(state.unwrap_data(), vec!['1', '0']);

Before continuing, you should know that a documentation of the runtime is available, however be aware that it also contains functions and structures used by the generated code that you will probably not need.

The main runtime data structure is ParseState<S, T> where S is the type of the underlying data being parsed, called the stream, and T the type of the AST being constructed. T is always equal to () for recognizer functions as they do not build an AST, as shown in the type signature of recognize_identifier above. As for parse_identifier, it returns an AST of type Vec<char> which is the expected AST type produced by this rule. A stream must implement several operations given in the module stream. You can find a list of all types implementing Stream in the implementors list of Stream, and it is also possible to implement Stream for your own type. A parse state is created by calling into_state on a type implementing the trait Stream. For example, the trait IntoState is implemented for the type &'a str and we can directly pass the result of into_state() to the parsing function, as in:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {

A state indicates if the parsing was successful, partial or erroneous. It carries information about which item was expected next and the AST built from the data read. Convenient functions such as unwrap_data() or is_successful() are available directly from ParseState. A more complete function is into_result() which transforms the state into a type ParseResult that can be pattern matched. Here a full example:

fn analyse_state(state: ParseState<StrStream, Vec<char>>) {
  use oak_runtime::parse_state::ParseResult::*;
  match state.into_result() {
    Success(data) => println!("Full match: {:?}", data),
    Partial(data, expectation) => {
      println!("Partial match: {:?} because: {:?}", data, expectation);
    Failure(expectation) => {
      println!("Failure: {:?}", expectation);

fn main() {
  analyse_state(parse_number("10".into_state())); // complete
  analyse_state(parse_number("10a".into_state())); // partial
  analyse_state(parse_number("a".into_state())); // erroneous

// Result:

// Full match: ['1', '0']
// Partial match: ['1', '0'] because: 1:3: unexpected `a`, expecting `["0-9"]`.
// Failure: 1:1: unexpected `a`, expecting `["0-9"]`.

The function analyse_state shows how to examine the result of a state, however if you just need to debug the result, ParseResult implements Debug so you can use the more generic println("{:?}", state.into_result()) statement to obtain a similar result.

Congratz, you are now able to efficiently use the code generated by Oak!

Semantic action

As you probably noticed, the rule number produces a value of type Vec<char> which is not a usable representation of a number. We must transform this value into a better type such as u32. To achieve this goal, we use a semantic action which gives meaning to the characters read. A semantic action takes the value produced by an expression as arguments, and builds a type more suited for further processing. The grammar becomes:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::str::FromStr;

oak! {
  // ... previous rules truncated.

  identifier = ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ > to_string
  number = ["0-9"]+ > to_number

  fn to_string(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> String {

  fn to_number(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> u32 {

The combinator e > f expects a parsing expression on the left and a function name on the right, it works like a "reverse function call operator" in the sense that f is called with the result value of e. For instance, ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ > to_string is equivalent to calling to_string on the AST produced by the left-hand side expression ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+. If the semantic action is a Rust function provided inside the procedural macro, then Oak will figure out the return type of the function automatically. Note that almost any Rust code is accepted inside the macro. Equivalently, we can declare to_string outside of the procedural macro as follows:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use std::str::FromStr;

fn to_string(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> String {

oak! {
  // ... previous rules truncated.

  identifier: String = ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ > to_string

  // or equivalently:
  identifier = (["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ > to_string):String

In that case, we must annotate the rule identifier, or the expression, with its type String.

Oak gives a type to any parsing expression to help you constructing your AST more easily. Next chapters explain how Oak gives a type to expressions and how you can help Oak to infer better types. For the moment, when you want to know the type of an expression, just creates a rule r = e, and check the type of the rule using cargo expand parse_r. Note that a tuple type such as (T, U) is automatically unpacked into two function arguments, so we expect a semantic action function to be of type f(T, U) and not f((T, U)).

Finally, note that semantic actions have the property of not being called inside recognizers since they do not build an AST.

Choice combinator

We can now build another part of our language: a simple arithmetic calculator where operands can be numbers, variables or a parenthesized expression. We extend the grammar with a factor rule:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use self::Expression::*;

pub type PExpr = Box<Expression>;

pub enum Expression {

oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

  factor: PExpr
    = number > box Number
    / identifier > box Variable

A new combinator has appeared! An operand can be a number or an identifier (for variables); these two possibilities are expressed with the choice combinator of the form e1 / e2 / ... / eN. It tries the expression e1 and if it fails, it restarts with e2, etc. It fails if the last expression eN fails. An important point is that order matters, hence the grammar is unambiguous, for each input, only one parse tree is possible. It's worth mentioning that this prioritized choice can lead to unexpected, but however easy to detect, wrong behaviour. For example, if you consider identifier / number which reverses the order of the factors, number will never be reached because identifier accepts a super-set of the language recognized by number. Choice combinators naturally map to an enumeration type in Rust, in our example we defined the Expression enumeration.

There are two new features demonstrated in the semantic action box Number and box Variable. Firstly, Oak allows us to call the variant of an enumeration as a semantic action, for instance, number > Number will construct the value Number(x) where x is the AST value returned by number. Secondly, to avoid creating helper functions, we allow the box syntax to encapsulate the result in a Box type. Here, number > box Number is similar to the following, more verbose, code:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
  = number > number_expr
  / identifier > box Variable

fn number_expr(value: u32) -> PExpr {

Sequence combinator

Now, we have all the necessary pieces to parse our first arithmetic expression. We start with + and - because they have the same precedence, next we will add * and /. The sequence combinator is required to parse a sequence of two or more expressions and is denoted as e1 e2 ... eN. If e1 succeeds, then e2 is called and so on until eN succeeds. It fails if any e fails, this is the main difference with the choice combinator which fails only if the last expression fails. Let's give a look to the new grammar:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
use self::Expression::*;
use self::BinOp::*;

pub type PExpr = Box<Expression>;

pub enum Expression {
  BinaryExpr(BinOp, PExpr, PExpr)

pub enum BinOp {
  Add, Sub

oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

    = factor (term_op factor)* > fold_left

  term_op: BinOp
    = add_op > Add
    / sub_op > Sub

  fn fold_left(head: PExpr, rest: Vec<(BinOp, PExpr)>) -> PExpr {
      |accu, (op, expr)| Box::new(BinaryExpr(op, accu, expr)))

Parsing rules for arithmetic expression are usually written with left recursion which would give us a rule such as:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
  = factor
  / expression term_op factor

PEGs are closer to the generated code than context-free language specifications, for example the choice combinator is prioritized, which is similar to nested if-then-else statements in hand-written recursive descent parser. This is why left recursion leads to infinite loops (and eventually to stack overflow) in PEG implementation while it is nicely handled in other parser generators. Therefore, Oak does not support left recursion so the grammar above will generate a compilation error. Instead, we write the expression rule without left recursion which is made possible with the repetition combinator e* expression instead of recursive rules.

Due to the lack of left recursion, the resulting AST is flatten into a type (PExpr, Vec<(BinOp, PExpr)>) which is not convenient to manipulate during subsequent compilation phases. A problem with this representation is that operator associativity is not directly encoded inside the AST, which is error-prone because the subsequent phases in the compiler must be aware of associativity. This is why we use the function fold_left to create a binary tree from this list.

Operator precedence

Generally, a programming language has multiple operators that do not share the same precedence. It is the case for a simple arithmetic expression where * and / take precedence over + and -. We show the grammar for Calc basic arithmetic expressions and then expose how to write such rules in the general case.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub enum BinOp {
  Add, Sub, Mul, Div

oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

    = term (term_op term)* > fold_left

    = factor (factor_op factor)* > fold_left

  factor_op: BinOp
    = mul_op > Mul
    / div_op > Div

We added support for multiplication and division with the term rule separating factors by * or /. Note that we re-use the same function fold_left for transforming the expression list into a binary tree. We show how precedence is encoded into these rules by computing step by step the parsing of the Calc expression 8-2/2.

  1. We enter expression and directly call term which in turn call factor.
  2. We enter factor and try the rule number which succeeds. factor returns Number(8).
  3. We go back in term and try (factor_op factor)* but factor_op does not match - so e* produces an empty Vec and fold_left returns the first and unchanged value Number(8).
  4. We go back in expression and try (term_op term)*, term_op matches - and returns Sub.
  5. We re-enter term and since the remaining input is 2/2, it exactly matches the expression factor factor_op factor and returns BinaryExpr(Div, Number(2), Number(2)).
  6. We go back in expression and build the final expression BinaryExpr(Sub, Number(8), BinaryExpr(Div, Number(2), Number(2))).

This expression respects the precedence of arithmetic operators. A general technique to build a PEG supporting any level of precedence is to nest rules in the invert order of precedence. For example in Calc, numbers and variables have the highest precedence; note that this is always the case for atoms. Addition and subtraction have the lowest precedence and it implies that, for e1+e2, both sub-expressions will first be considered to be terms or factors before trying to parse them as expressions. We suggest that you first group operators by precedence levels and than write the expression rules:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
operators_lvl_1 = "+" / "-"
operators_lvl_2 = "*" / "/"
// ...
operators_lvl_n = "-" // unary minus operator

expr_lvl_1 = expr_lvl_2 (operators_lvl_1 expr_lvl_2)*
expr_lvl_2 = expr_lvl_3 (operators_lvl_2 expr_lvl_3)*
// ...
expr_lvl_n = operators_lvl_n atom

You can freely adapt this template for any level of precedence in your grammar and add the corresponding semantic actions.

Syntactic predicates

Our grammar already parse simple arithmetic expression, we now improve the rule for identifiers. For the moment, 98a is a valid identifier because we stated that identifiers are parsed with ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+. Similarly to classic programming languages, we would like to forbid a digit to start an identifier. We can achieve that with the combinators we have already seen:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

  identifier = ["a-zA-Z_"] ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]* > to_string_2

  fn to_string_2(head: char, mut raw_text: Vec<char>) -> String {

It works but seems redundant and does not expressed very well the intention of the grammar writer. Moreover, it is not clear at a first sight that "0-9" is missing in the first character class. Further, the value produced is split into a pair which is less friendly to use than a single vector. Thanks to the syntactic predicate !, we can indicate that a parsing sequence must not start with a digit:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

  identifier = !digit ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ > to_string
  number = digit+ > to_number
  digit = ["0-9"]

  fn to_string(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> String {

The syntactic predicate !e succeeds if e fails, and in any case, it does not consume input. Its dual combinator is &e which succeeds if e succeeds and is a short-cut for !!e. It can be thought as a if statement which executes the next combinator only if the condition !e or e is true. It is very useful to look-ahead in the buffer without consuming it. For example, we can use the expression !. to check that we are at the end of file, remember that . succeeds if it consumes any single character. It is useful to forbid partial matching directly in the grammar specification instead of consulting the result value.


Spacing is traditionally processed by a lexer, executed before the parsing phase, which transforms a character stream into a token stream where blank characters are removed. As said before, PEG works directly on the character stream so we must manage spaces ourselves. The following grammar is equipped with spacing.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

  program = spacing expression

  identifier = !digit ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ spacing > to_string
  number = digit+ spacing > to_number

  spacing = [" \n\r\t"]*:(^)

  let_kw = "let" spacing
  in_kw = "in" spacing
  bind_op = "=" spacing
  add_op = "+" spacing
  sub_op = "-" spacing
  mul_op = "*" spacing
  div_op = "/" spacing
  exp_op = "^" spacing
  lparen = "(" spacing
  rparen = ")" spacing

The idea is to make sure that blank characters are consumed before the parsing of an atom (such as "let" or ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]). Since only atoms can consume the stream, we need to surround them with the spacing rule such as in spacing "let" spacing. However, for two atoms a1 a2, the spacing rule will be called twice between a1 and a2. We can do better with a new rule program that first call spacing and then expression. It guarantees that the very first blank characters will be consumed. Therefore, atoms only need to consume trailing blank characters.

In spacing, the expression [" \n\t"]* has type Vec<char>, but we do not really care about this value. This is why Oak proposes the invisible type annotation combinator e:(^) to indicate that we do not care about the value of an expression e and should be "invisible" in the AST. Oak will automatically propagate (^) to the calling site, for example, tuple like ((^), char) are automatically reduced to char. There is much more to say about types and it is not part of PEG itself, so we discuss about it in the typing expression chapter.

Identifier and keyword

Now we have a grammar for arithmetic expressions. We continue by adding the let-in construction for declaring new variables. It has the form let <ident> = <expression> in <expression> and is parsed by the following grammar.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

  factor: PExpr
    = number > box Number
    / identifier > box Variable
    / let_expr > box LetIn
    / lparen expression rparen

  let_expr = let_kw let_binding in_kw expression
  let_binding = identifier bind_op expression

There is no new concept in this grammar, we have already seen all the combinators used. However it does not work as expected for programs containing let-in expressions. For example, it partially matches let x = 1 in x and the data returned is Variable("let"). It does not work because identifier is parsed before let_expr in factor, so "let" is recognized as a valid identifier. There is clearly some overlapping between the language accepted by identifiers and keywords. It does not help to inverse the order of both rules because the identifier would successfully parse the "let" keyword if the let_expr rule fails.

This is a problem specific to PEG due to its combined lexical and parsing analysis. Disambiguation is usually done by the lexer with an ad-hoc keyword table; if a string is present in the table, the corresponding token is returned, otherwise it is considered as an identifier. In PEG, we encode this difference directly in the rules with syntactic predicates as follows:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
grammar! calc {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

  identifier = !digit !keyword ident_char+ spacing > to_string
  ident_char = ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]

  kw_tail = !ident_char spacing

  keyword = let_kw / in_kw
  let_kw = "let" kw_tail
  in_kw = "in" kw_tail

We ensure that a keyword rule never accept the beginning of a valid identifier, and conversely, we forbid an identifier to be a valid keyword. The first is done with kw_tail which prevents a valid identifier character (ident_char) to follow a keyword. It must be appended to every keyword or, more generally, to atom recognizing a subset of the identifiers. Instead of the keyword table used in a lexer, we use the rule keyword accepting every keyword of the language and we explicitly prevent an identifier to start with a keyword (see !keyword).

Operator associativity

For now, Calc only contains left-associative operators and the corresponding AST is built with the fold_left function. It is pretty simple to transform an operator separated-list of expression to its right-associative version if we use a fold_right function. We extend the Calc grammar with the exponent operator e1 ^ e2 which is right-associative and takes precedence over term expressions.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub enum BinOp {
  Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Exp

oak! {
  // ... previous rules and code truncated.

    = exponent (factor_op exponent)* > fold_left

    = (factor exponent_op)* factor > fold_right

  exponent_op: BinOp = exp_op > Exp

  fn fold_right(front: Vec<(PExpr, BinOp)>, last: PExpr) -> PExpr {
      |accu, (expr, op)| Box::new(BinaryExpr(op, expr, accu)))

A simple trick for right-folding is to reverse the list and to left fold with the accumulator being the last element. It would be correct to write the rule exponent as factor (exponent_op factor)* but since we need the last element for right-folding, we would do unnecessary work in the semantic action. Therefore, it is better to directly write the rule in an adapted way for right-folding.

To summarize, operator associativity is managed by the semantic actions and not directly in the parsing expressions. Generic left and right folding functions can be used to create a binary tree for expressions with left or right associative operators.


That's it! We built a complete grammar for a small language encompassing arithmetic expressions and variable bindings. This tutorial should have covered most of the useful techniques to write your own grammar. The full grammar and usage examples of the Calc language are available in the next chapter. If you want to use the most of Oak capabilities, please read-on and learn how Oak gives types to parsing expressions!


  • Extend the grammar to support negative numbers.
  • Extend the grammar to support declaration and function call.

Full Calc Grammar

The following code is the grammar of the Calc language which is incrementally built and explained in the previous chapter.

extern crate oak_runtime;
use oak_runtime::*;
use oak::oak;
use self::Expression::*;
use self::BinOp::*;
use std::str::FromStr;

pub type PExpr = Box<Expression>;

pub enum Expression {
  BinaryExpr(BinOp, PExpr, PExpr),
  LetIn(String, PExpr, PExpr)

pub enum BinOp {
  Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Exp

oak! {
  // Optional stream declaration.
  type Stream<'a> = StrStream<'a>;

  program = spacing expression

    = term (term_op term)* > fold_left

    = exponent (factor_op exponent)* > fold_left

    = (factor exponent_op)* factor > fold_right

  factor: PExpr
    = number > box Number
    / identifier > box Variable
    / let_expr > box LetIn
    / lparen expression rparen

  let_expr = let_kw let_binding in_kw expression
  let_binding = identifier bind_op expression

  term_op: BinOp
    = add_op > Add
    / sub_op > Sub

  factor_op: BinOp
    = mul_op > Mul
    / div_op > Div

  exponent_op: BinOp = exp_op > Exp

  identifier = !digit !keyword ident_char+ spacing > to_string
  ident_char = ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]

  digit = ["0-9"]
  number = digit+ spacing > to_number
  spacing = [" \n\r\t"]*:(^)

  kw_tail = !ident_char spacing

  keyword = let_kw / in_kw
  let_kw = "let" kw_tail
  in_kw = "in" kw_tail

  bind_op = "=" spacing
  add_op = "+" spacing
  sub_op = "-" spacing
  mul_op = "*" spacing
  div_op = "/" spacing
  exp_op = "^" spacing
  lparen = "(" spacing
  rparen = ")" spacing

  fn to_number(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> u32 {

  fn to_string(raw_text: Vec<char>) -> String {

  fn fold_left(head: PExpr, rest: Vec<(BinOp, PExpr)>) -> PExpr {
      |accu, (op, expr)| Box::new(BinaryExpr(op, accu, expr)))

  fn fold_right(front: Vec<(PExpr, BinOp)>, last: PExpr) -> PExpr {
      |accu, (expr, op)| Box::new(BinaryExpr(op, expr, accu)))

fn analyse_state(state: ParseState<StrStream, PExpr>) {
  use oak_runtime::parse_state::ParseResult::*;
  match state.into_result() {
    Success(data) => println!("Full match: {:?}", data),
    Partial(data, expectation) => {
      println!("Partial match: {:?} because: {:?}", data, expectation);
    Failure(expectation) => {
      println!("Failure: {:?}", expectation);

fn main() {
  analyse_state(parse_program("2 * a".into_state())); // Complete
  analyse_state(parse_program("2 *  ".into_state())); // Partial
  analyse_state(parse_program("  * a".into_state())); // Erroneous

  let program1 =
    "let a = 5 in \
     let b = 2 in \
     a^2 + b^2 + (a - b)^2 \

  let program2 =
    "let a = \
       let b = 7^3 in 2 * b \
     in \
     a^2 - (let x = a in x * 2) \
  println!("{:?}", parse_program(program2.into_state()).into_result());

Type Inference

A key idea behind Oak is to infer the type of the AST generated by parsing expression. For example, we expect e1 e2 to have the type (T1, T2) if e1 has type T1 and e2 has type T2. Indeed, it exists an obvious mapping between PEG combinators and traditional types found in programming language: choice is a sum type, sequence is a tuple, repetition is an array, etc. Oak was born to explore this mapping and to answer a question: can we automatically generate an AST from a grammar description?

It turned out that generating the AST (data type included) was hard, mostly because we need to name types and that rules does not give enough information by themselves—how to name the variants of the sum type? Of course, we could annotate expressions with names but it would burden the grammar, and it is unconvenient to have an AST that is hidden. Also, the user will certainly want to use its own custom types and not arbitrary generated types, so a fully automatic generation is not such a good idea after all. Therefore, Oak relies on the return types of semantic actions and type annotation to have a complete type inference scheme. This technique has at least two advantages over conventional methods:

  • A closer mapping between grammar and user-code. For example number "+" number > add is a valid expression where add is a semantic action called with two arguments of the type of number.
  • Types are used to generate more efficient code. Indeed, a value is only built if it is useful somewhere. For example the generated code of !number will only recognize the expression number but semantic actions inside number will not be called.

This chapter explains how Oak gives type to expression and how you can efficiently control and use it.

Type annotation

Despite the apparent simplicity of this idea, a direct mapping between expression and type is not very useful. Consider the following grammar for parsing variable identifier.

var_ident = !["0-9"] ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ spacing
spacing = [" \n\r\t"]*

A straightforward mapping would give to this expression the type (char, Vec<char>, Vec<char>) since the sequence has three sub expressions and thus forms a 3-tuple. Clearly, the only value of interest in var_ident is the one returned by the expression ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ which has type Vec<char> (note that we could use a semantic action to transform this value into a string). It is natural to think that the rule var_ident will be of type Vec<char> too. Oak infers this type if we tell Oak that we do not care about the value of spaces, which is not something that it can guess by itself. We use the combinator e:(^) to inform to Oak that we do not want the value of e to appear in the AST. There is two possible types: unit type () and invisible type (^), they both give the type unit to expressions but, in addition, (^) propagates in the expression tree.

var_ident = !["0-9"] ["a-zA-Z0-9_"]+ spacing
spacing = [" \n\r\t"]*:(^)

The new type of var_ident is now (char, Vec<char>, (^)). The inference algorithm automatically reduces this type to Vec<char> thanks to a few simplification rules:

  • Everything under a syntactic predicate (!e or ?e) has type (^). The new type is ((^), Vec<char>, (^)).
  • Any unit type inside a tuple is removed. We now have (Vec<char>).
  • Type inside a 1-tuple is extracted. We finally obtain Vec<char>.

These type rewriting rules are intuitive because they produce the type the user expects! Type annotation is only needed to specify that we are not interested by the value, such as with spaces.

Unit propagation

A type containing a unit type is simplified if it does not erase a piece of information. If we consider the following grammar which describes the optional presence of the mut keyword on the left-hand side of a let-expression, the type of mut_kw? is not rewritten into ().

let_left = let_kw mut_kw? var_ident
let_kw = "let" spacing
mut_kw: () = "mut" spacing

Without the type annotation :() on mut_kw with :(), mut_kw would have the invisible type since literal string and, here spacing, have the type (^). Therefore, the type of the expression mut_kw? is Option<()> which is expected since the type Option<()> carries a boolean information. As a rule of thumb, unit inference never erase a potential piece of information. In some cases, expression are only of a pure syntactic interest such as spaces or the first optional | in OCaml pattern-matching as shown below. This is why we use the "invisible type" annotation e:(^) to indicate that the unit type must be propagated up since it does not carry any relevant semantic information.

match_expr = match_kw expr with_kw bar? cases
cases = case (bar case)*
bar = "|" spacing

In match_expr, the expression bar? have by default the type (^). The circumflex symbol in (^) indicates a bottom up propagation of unit in expressions. The propagation is only stopped if it is composed with a value of a relevant type. For example, the expression bar? expr has type Expr because (^) has been propagated across Option<(^)> and then stopped by the tuple ((^), Expr).

Recursive type

We must distinguish recursive rules that are totally valid in Oak and recursive types that can not be automatically inferred. For example, the following grammar accepts strings in which any character at position i is 'a' or 'b' if i is even and is otherwise 'c' or 'd'.

ab = ["ab"] cd?
cd = ["cd"] ab?

This is a totally valid grammar but it can not be typed without recursive types. Let's try anyway. Say that ab has type T and cd has type U. We can infer that T = (char, Option<U>) for rule ab and U = (char, Option<T>) for rule cd. By substitution we get T = (char, Option<(char, Option<T>)) and thus T is defined by itself. It is a recursive type definition. You might think that this type is fine as long as we give an alias to the tuple types:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
type T = (char, Option<U>);
type U = (char, Option<T>);

However, the names T and U are completely arbitrary and the user probably do not want types with random names. We would need name-annotations on expressions which is not our leitmotiv in the first place. It is cleaner and easier to let the user constructs the types by himself with semantic actions.

Nevertheless, we did not want to reject valid grammar because of recursive types. We have chosen to print a warning during compilation informing we reduced the types of rules involved in a type cycle to (^). You can get rid of this warning by explicitly annotating one the rule in the cycle with -> (^).

Error reporting

The grammar Calc lacks of an important feature: location tracking and error reporting. The users of our language are not perfect, and they will make mistakes while writing programs. Classical errors include using a variable that is not declared, declaring a variable twice, and more complicated static analysis such as typing. Rust is arguably very popular because it has a very good error reporting system, although the static analysis it performs on a program are very complicated (Yes, I have the borrow checker in mind). A lot of effort has been put into making the errors the most understandable and easy to fix as possible. Good errors reporting is key to leverage your compiler from a prototype to a practical piece of software. You should remember that learning a language (and DSL) is often a more difficult task than learning how to use a library, although the programs produced in your language are clearer. Therefore, we want to keep our users testing and trying our language without losing time understanding nasty compilation errors. Why am I talking about all of it? Because good error reporting is only possible if you can track back a fragment of your AST to its location in the source file. And this is one of the role of the parsing stage too, and we provide full support to location tracking with Oak.

Related Work

Conventional parser generator

In traditional parser generators, the bridge between purely syntactic analysis and AST construction is done with semantic actions. Interaction between an expression and the user code is usually done with one of these two techniques (digit being a rule parsing an integer):

  1. Positional arguments: digit "+" digit { $$ = $1 + $3; } is a technique used in Yacc for example.
  2. Expression labelling: digit:x "+" digit:y { x + y } is similar to what is used in Menhir (parser generator written in OCaml).

The first technique is often discouraged because some errors can silently appear if you change the order of expression inside a rule without changing the associated action or if you make a mistake when numbering the arguments. The generated code will fail to compile if the host language is statically typed and if the two expressions have different types, but in the general case this technique is not safe. Expression labelling is better but it has the inconvenient of burdening the grammar syntax. Also note that none of these techniques help the user to build the corresponding AST, their purposes is to offer a simple interface between grammar and host code.

Using the idea of typing grammar, we can give a type to each expression and directly pass the value to the semantic action without any labelling or positional notation. The previous example becomes digit "+" digit > add with > being a "reverse function call operator", the expression digit "+" digit produces a value v of type (i32, i32) and the code generated looks like add(v). It is even smarter and will automatically unpack the tuple into function arguments, so the function add will be called with two arguments of type i32.


I read, get inspired or used some ideas of the following implementations (non-exhaustive list):

Paper references


A library writer always has the secret hope that its library will be used by thousands. An even more secret hope is that some users would become contributors!

If you want to contribute, please contact me by email ( to discuss about a project suited to your ambitions and needs. I'm willing to mentor you until you feel confident with the code and I'm opened to suggestions :-)